A Prize Donated for the Pulse Motor Build Off 2017! End Date Nov 1st! #PMBO2017

A prize was donated to a winner for the contest!

To be eligible for the prize you need to do do 2 Things:

1. You need to post a video less than 3 min video on the forums before November 1st. The video is about your pulse motor build! here: http://open-source-energy.org/?topic=3094

2. You need to sign up to the email list on the ebisufront website here:

If it dose not pop up, down in the bottom right hand corner. or wait for the popup while your browsing.

For more info on the prize visit here:r

Here We Go Again!

Pulse motor build off 2017!

Rules are simple, it must pulse… What ever it is… GO!

Post Your Entry Videos On This Thread by times end! ( please 3 min or less! ) we encourage posting videos about your progress as well.


you have from now to Nov 1st 12:00 midnight your time to enter!

Its all about having fun! set your self some goals and try to achieve them by the end of the contest. if you dont get finished in time make a video anyway and let us know what you did get done!

everyone will get there video published on my channel ( if you dont want me to just say so. also it must be related to this PMBO contest) after the contest is finished.

Email here for questions or problems:


Good luck and be safe!!!


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