New Green Energy: TurXotor® & TurXator® Energy

TurXator® ve TurXotor® technologies that verifies “Alperen Energy Regeneration Law” in science; Invented and patented by Col. Attila ALPEREN®

New Green Energy: TurXotor® & TurXator® Energy

T® = + [N = – (Δφ/Δt)]

Energy Conservation Law states;
Faraday law: N = Δφ/Δt
Lenzs Law: N = – (Δφ/Δt)

We agreed that Faraday and Lenzs Laws are correct.

Efficiency ratio;
E = [N = Δφ / Δt] / [N = – (Δφ / Δt)]
E = smaller then 1
We discover and verified with technologies that efficiency ratio is NOT correct.

Verified by Alperen Technologies: T = +[ N = – (Δφ / Δt)] is the reality.
Alperen Energy Regeneration Law says:
Efficency ratio;
E = N / T
E = { N = Δφ / Δt / N = +[- (Δφ / Δt)] }
E= maybe bigger then 1

Col. Attila ALPEREN®
Founder & Chairman

The Alperen® Group

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