Keshe "Free energy" Tear-down, examination, opinions.

Keshe Iranian, advertising himself as having “Free Energy Device”,” healing powers” , “flying sources”, Claiming to be Messiah, Story originated from small island in Japan where Keshe approached elderly inventor who was not looking for any money. Later on Keshe advertised it as his own invention . during a visit of my friend into the house of Japanese inventor he was shown number of devices where the biggest one has 25kWh range of power with significant energy gain.He was given this device for free, and was told that this particular device has only 5% of gain over the level of unity. If we for a moment say that any of that was working as stated than:
Think of Japanese man like at american quality and think of Keshe like some of Chinese garbage product. That Product was given back to elderly Japanese who did not even check it out.Than at the end it landed in hands of American – me – Wesley
To find more of my personal opinion about any of that, please go to the video.

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