Selfrunning Urine Generator Update – Free Energy Generator invented by Nigeria Schoolgirls

Selfrunning Urine Generator Update – Free Energy Generator invented by Nigeria Schoolgirls
This is an update to my old video on the Niegerian Schoolgirl Urine Powered Selfrunning Free Energy System.
Now they have gotten rid of the green metal tank, which was probably a little bit too dangerous storing all this HHO gas in there.
Now they have just 3 of these former water filters used to build
1. a Water Bubbler to purify the gas
2. a storage tank for the HHO gas
3. a borax-water solution to dry out the HHO gas, so the motor
does not get wet and does not corrode.
So now you can see, that there are no hidden gas tanks and that the system just works.
As Urine contains about 2 % of Urea and Urea-Water-solutions break apart already at 0.37 Volts, it requires 70 % less energy to split urine into HHO than water-KOH solutions…
So that it why it is so efficient.
Please subscribe and give a thumbs up and Share this on Facebook and other Social Media. Many thanks.
Regards, Stefan.
P.S.: The video that was reporting this was:

There you can watch it in its full length.
I just wanted to concentrate on the important parts. Many thanks to this JanMEDIA PRODUCTIONS channel to bringing these new reports about it.

Link to this video:

German Version: Please watch: “Chemtrails at the Ghost hours – Chemtrail during the night time”

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