Selfrunning Free Energy Permanent Magnet Motor – The Simon Magnet Motor motor
Selfrunning Free Energy Permanent Magnet Motor – The Simon Magnet Motor motor
Hi All,
here is a new Permanent Magnet motor invented by Simon A. Okojokwu that produces all the time
about 2 NewtonMeters torque.
This is until now only a 3D magnetic simulation project. A prototype has no yet been build.
He wanted first to check it out in Finite Elements magnetic simulation software to see, if this concept works or not. And now it seems to work.
Maxwell 3D and CST STUDIO SUITE 2014 show always positive results !
I just made a video of it from the Simulation Slides and animations Simon has sent me
that were put out by the Maxwell 3D simulator Program.
The Inventor is Simon A. Okojokwu from Africa.
The motor consists of basically 3 Radially polarized Ring Magnets
where tilted bar magnets are inserted to guide the flux onto the
inner rotor ring magnet into a spiral like fashion, so the rotor ring
magnet is always propelled into one direction with about 2 Nm of
Now it needs to be build a prototype.
Maybe some guys with good workshop can try this out.
Many thanks.
Regards, Stefan.
Link to this video: