Water Wireless Circuit – 2 LED bifilar
An experiment that worked out quite well, running a wireless electricity circuit from water in an unconventional way. Features ———— The transmitting bifilar pancake coil has 1 wire disconnected – leaving only 3 used in the output. The Base connection of the pancake coils transistor is fired by the output from the other transistor. 3 electrodes are used – 1 Positive and 2 Negatives. Both circuit sections connect to the same Positive electrode. The circuit will run with just a single Pos and single Neg, but the surface area increase helps. 2 LED’s run from the receiving pancake coil – each set of turns supplies one LED. Their outputs are visually similar to just 1 LED being connected. 2 transistors are running, from the very low input source of approx 0.7V and 60uA It runs on plain tap water 🙂 Wireless output is, as expected, quite low having a running range of approx an inch. It’s just convenient to be able to throw different loads on top of the transmitter coil. LED’s, capacitors, whatever without using a battery.