Extreme High Voltage: Flyback Demo, Jacob’s Ladder, Added Capacitance

A new Jacob’s Ladder electrode set, more bigger, to show off the psarks given off from the flyback in oil. This flyback transformer was removed from the carcass of a big Mitsubishi television set that some cholos had discarded in a vacant lot on the East side. As usual, the picture tube was shattered and the speakers ripped out, the motherboard broken to bits, and it had been lying out in the rain and sun for some weeks. But the flyback was in good condition and the damage to the carcass made it easy to rip out the board. I’m sure the locals and their pit bulls were wondering what my pale skinny butt was up to, down there in that ‘hood, ripping apart the trashpile for old TV parts. But from this TV and another one I found yesterday, I scavenged the two flybacks and at least 50 bucks worth of capacitors, semiconductors, inductors, relays, and a couple of small speakers in good shape.

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