Shaun McCarthy and Kevin Arundel — remember when… Sept. 17, 2012 Dublin

On September 17, 2012, I had lunch with Shaun McCarthy, CEO of Steorn, in Dublin Ireland. With me being vegan, he took me to ChopHouse (, which is owned and operated by his friend, Kevin Arundel, who was formerly vegan, and started this restaurant with 5 Euros. Recently he was filmed for a reality show relating to his culinary skills, he is so excellent. Anthony Bourdain, American Chev & author of Kitchen Confidential, said of Arundel’s restaurant “I came to the Chop House in 2011 and it was the best f**ing meal I ever eaten in Dublin. After my first bite of my meal there, I said, “This goes down as one of the best five dishes I’ve ever had in my life.” If my Free Energy Quest reality show deal goes through, Steorn will be in my Top 5 list for destinations to visit, so Shaun could be joining his friend Arunel in that arena. Hence this live photo. Sterling – – – – Visit us at… – our exclusive news stories http – from around the world – the Wikipedia of free energy http – best exotics free energy techs closest to market

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