Proof – Pancake coils and weather
Thunderstorms and their effect on the running of an oscillator. In an experiment rather like Nikola Tesla may have witnessed at Colorado Springs, this is a video showing proof of weather conditions affecting a pancake bifilar coil. The coil is built from several old modem cables and forms part of Nephilim Penny…my oversized ancient components LED oscillator. The circuit is Lidmotor’s ‘Penny’ (see his channel for the circuit diagram). Nephilim Penny began running from a simple water cell back in November of 2011. The water cell is built inside a pills bottle, with rain water, piece of copper and piece of galvanized steel. Output is approx 0.7V and 1mA It was noted early on, that storms seemed to affect the running of the circuit…the oscillator would quit for no reason and, even with checking connections and solder joints etc, the oscillator wouldn’t fire up. Then, seemingly spontaeously some while later, the circuit would fire back up, as though nothing had happened. There is a pot on the circuit, but it sits untouched…too far advanced and the light flashes faster but dimmer, to far the other way and the oscillator will stop. It is not possible to increase the speed of flash rate, without also seeing a dimming of the LED – in common with any water or salts cell with very low available output. It was realised, that the storms passing our house were the cause of such fluctuations and mental note has been made of half a dozen or more occasions. Finally, I recorded the …