Big Heptahydrate Hydrate Cells Chuck And John.wmv
In this video I’m showing the biggest of the hydrate cells. These Cells are combined Hydrates and mixed with Iron Pirate and Magnesium grains. As the video shows that the Hydrate material can pull the moisture right out of the air. The cell in this video is capable of over 200Ma under dead short circuit current. During the pressing process the cell releases the water from within the crystals and the cell shorts itself out. All Crystal Cells contain water locked up within the crystals. The crystal cell uses this locked up water for Ion movement between the electrodes.The Hydrate allows the cell to gather the water from the air and this then rejuvenates the cell. The cells were built by Chuck Hupp and John Bedini, the pressure process was an idea of Ibpointlass2 on the Energetic Forum, under Bedini Earth Lights. John Bedini