Magnetic Gate Accelerator MFB by Querdenker79 Vol.2-1

This is the second video from Youtube user Querdenker79 about his magnetic gate accelerator. The kicker here is, that the small magnet must be pushed only gently in, but then it is accelerated very fast out of the gate. It even works when putting 2 gates in series as you can see here in the video. Then the acceleration is even bigger and the shooter-magnet flies out much further away from the 2 gates. So the goal is to put more gates in series and build a rotational unit with a plastic pipe , in which the shooter-magnet is always accelerated and is running around in a circle. See his channel at: or his own german forum at: He gave me full permission to post it on my youtube channel. Please visit his channel for more info. Many thanks to Igor for this great inspiration. Regards, Stefan.

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