Evaporizor by Marcello Bartolotta: 2 kW genset running on paint thinner and used motor oil

2 kW genset running on paint thinner (Dupli-Color, Specialty Reducer) and used motor oil (mixed together in the central bubbler). (No first Evaporizor, results in not as much control). Adjusts speed by adjusting valve from central bubble. Runs 4.5-amp (~500W? full) Black & Decker drill (idle) from the power, which causes the genset to slow. Taps exhaust with hand to show it’s not that hot. See our story at pesn.com Generally speaking, the primary fuel goes into the primary bubbler and evaporating unit under it; followed by going into another bubbler, after which it goes into a chamber that pre-heats the vapor via the exhaust to power a 2 kW genset. The throttle is manually adjusted by the stop cocks.

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