Audio from a tiny Tesla tower – Walgreen AT

Speakers up !!! It’s dainty, it’s a pill bottle ‘Walgreen’ Tesla tower, running on 6V and producing audio ! Transistor used is a KN2222A, resistor 1K. Audio connections are straight from the earphone output of the PC, to Ground and the Base of the transistor. In the music section I put a reverse direction diode on the end of the plasma output, as yer do. The idea being to widen the plasma stream out a bit First of all the audio tower introduces itself as Jennifer and then we have some music from Jeff Wayne’s War Of The Worlds. Jennifer, because that was the synthesized voice I used, from the drop down list on Translation of the somewhat garbled words is: Hi, I am a Walgreen audio tower, created by Slider2732. My name is Jennifer and this is my voice. Plasma is how I talk to you. Can you hear me ok ? Do I need to adjust the feedback or the transistor for you ? Bit of fun and intended to be developed as and when 🙂

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