Replication made in Holland

This prototype copies the Griggs Cavitation System and proves it works as stated in his video. The unit provides instantaneous heat at 59 degrees (59 degree Celsius = 138.2 degree Fahrenheit) with the rotor configuration shown and using the magic gap of 3mm around all sides. Rotation is 2900rpm using 220VAC at 500Watts. This unit was made in Holland by KAMPEN72 and his brother. Other designs will be available eventually with the amount of heat dependent on the design and the configuration of the holes on the rotor. Different cavitation configurations are being developed for maximum heat up to 80-90 degrees (80 degree Celsius = 176 degree Fahrenheit) which are needed for the heater to be deemed efficient. The idea behind this project is to be able to heat your You need to a flashplayer enabled browser to view this YouTube videoall videos:

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