negative TROS – "radiant charger" I
using a capacitor’s case and avramenko plug as a radiant transmitter to charge another battery
Experiments, inventions, patents, …
using a capacitor’s case and avramenko plug as a radiant transmitter to charge another battery
single AA bttry, single transistor oscillator combine CFL and LED; emergency light…
some oscillators running CFL with recuperation system; emergency lighting…
lasersaber’s oscillator; base of transistor triggered from negative side of circuit; very good finding, laser, thank you for sharing…
another attempt to prove the concept of ability of closed system to be recuperated by utilization flowing in it energy
trying to use HV HF spikes from secondary of transformer connected in series with oscillator to charge the same bttry
induction heating by oscillation; water heater based on modified Royer TROS Incoming search terms:ротовертер транÑвертер
some oscillation tests with step-up transformer; both’re working as an inverter, at least the output are measurable…