Vacuum Ion Chamber Tests For EPG Part 1 Of 2
please post thoughts here: Be blessed! be safe! have fun! ~Russ
Experiments, inventions, patents, …
please post thoughts here: Be blessed! be safe! have fun! ~Russ
last in series of TROS-motors – simplest single transistor’s oscillation core-less electric motor with magnetically geared “satellite” cooling drive
why not? the video dose not show the beam clearly… but it is focused right on that hole! ~Russ New Serbian TESLA ! Milutin Miletic is a retired technology engineer (not electrical), he has invented something extraordinary. Alternating current is filtered and flows through ONE wire only and powers a classic light… New Serbian TESLA ! Milutin Miletic is a retired technology engineer (not electrical), he has invented something extraordinary. Alternating current is filtered and flows through ONE wire only and powers a classic light… New Serbian TESLA ! Milutin Miletic is a retired technology engineer (not electrical), he has invented something extraordinary. Alternating current is filtered and flows through ONE wire only and powers a classic light…
Ball running on air cored coil getting superfast even on reed switch. Cap connected to trifilar coil wound with primery coil (similar to “pulse motor” series getting charge very fast and if connected to the same bttry (instead to bunch …
The same oscillation of jt-circuit from 12V bttry making HV in flyback one wire of which can power some “beercans towers” with single wire and each tower can power the lights again with one wire no matter how far they’re apart.
Modified and simplified circuit to use 1.3v bttry and ½” ball magnet; got simple toy running on one AA btrry and able to charge 9v bttry.