27 Search results

For the term "verbal communication.com incoming search termstrac".

Update 23 NGE Papp: More Balloon Testing & The Search For Feedback Current.

Update 23 NGE Papp: More Balloon Testing & The Search For Feedback Current. Thank you all for your continued support. its much appreciated and needed. ~Russ more to come… 🙂 one can donate to…

Pharis Williams on Scalar Communications & Signaling Technology

www.americanantigravity.com – Professor Pharis Williams describes a new wireless space communications signaling architecture based on a new technology for converting transverse EM into longitudinal (scalar) electrogravitic waves. “This presentation will show that the inductive…

Electric OU: Using the Link DSO 2102m on the Ainslie NERD Circuit, PART 1

This is a demonstration of the Link DSO 2102m Digital Sampling Oscilloscope, a PC-based 2 channel scope from 1997 era. The scope uses the ThinkPad 600e’s parallel port for communication and control and puts…

Sunpower Stirling-Cycle Engine Generators

www.americanantigravity.com – Sunpower unveils the Microgen Combined Heat and Power (microCHP) system, an innovative electrical co-generation unit scheduled to hit the European consumer market through British appliance distributor Microgen, Inc. The Microgen system is…