78 Search results

For the term "the network is the computer.com incoming search te".


Purpose: Investigate of Behavior of Free Energy Device component Fallowing Investigation was provided by means of analyzing graphs from the screen of Network Analyzer Spectrum analyzer, Impedance Gain Phase Analyzer Devices Under Test (DUT)…

Andrea Rossi ECAT

Andrea Rossi ECAT

reader About ECAT   The ECAT will revolutionize energy production as we know it. The energy generated by an ECAT has the following features: •    High Energy Density Fuel (200 000 times oil) •   …

Aviso Ecar & Extreme Repelling force tested by Phil Gov created committee DOE , DOST & UP

Aviso Ecar using 11 kilowatts forklift dc motor. Test end up the Forklift motor run powered from the conventional power supply : 46% EFF. Aviso Technology using the Ambient collector : 136% efficiency. The…

Sunpower Stirling-Cycle Engine Generators

www.americanantigravity.com – Sunpower unveils the Microgen Combined Heat and Power (microCHP) system, an innovative electrical co-generation unit scheduled to hit the European consumer market through British appliance distributor Microgen, Inc. The Microgen system is…