112 Search results

For the term "schemes bedini solid state".

FREE ENERGY SOLID STATE DEVICE Andrey from Russia Kapanadze 1kw English subtitles

http://www.overunity.com/7679/selfrunning-free-energy-devices-up-to-5-kw-from-tariel-kapanadze/msg372955/#msg372955 This is a replica unit of the Kapanadze free energy generator made by a man named Andrey from Russia. The original Video he uploaded is here at his channel: sonik Googl https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3Z3pvMFpL7zpwj9BgaU1Rg?feature=watch The…

Lead-Alum — Solid Crystal rechargeable battery

This shows a homemade rechargeable Lead-Alum battery that has a solid Alum crystal formed between the anode and cathode plates. There is no seperator between the plates–only the crystal. Powdered Alum was heated to…