172 Search results

For the term "running a fluorescent tube from a single aa batter".

Mark Beyer on Ranque-Hilsch Vortex Tube Technology

www.americanantigravity.com – Mark Beyer describes a new type of engine he’s developing that combines a modified Ranque-Hilsch vortex tube with a Tesla-Turbine to create a super-durable, high-output engine capable of running on a variety…

Final Quenching Disk Testing. Works As Stan Stated… Hummm… RWGresearch

0:07 Set Up And Intro 3:21 Small Disk, Single Hole. 7:26 Small Disk 2, Single Hole 9:15 Small disk 2 cracked from a “hot spot” 11:11 Big Disk, Single Hole 12:57 Big Disk, Single…

Amazing Joule Thief Lights 200 LEDs On A Single AA Battery!!

Avast!!!! Lighting 200 LEDs on a single AA battery using the modified Fuji Joule Thief circuit. The battery, which is old and nearly dead, will not even light 1 single led by itself. A new AA battery will not light one of these leds alone. More to come…