30 Search results

For the term "proxy.library.jhu.edu incoming search termstrackba".

Update 23 NGE Papp: More Balloon Testing & The Search For Feedback Current.

Update 23 NGE Papp: More Balloon Testing & The Search For Feedback Current. Thank you all for your continued support. its much appreciated and needed. ~Russ more to come… 🙂 one can donate to…

Arduino 12: TK Sous Vide Cooker Controller Taking Shape, Calibration

Note: improved and commented program sketch for the system, curing some of the problems, can be downloaded at: (new file, minor bug fix) www.mediafire.com Here’s the system taking shape. I am to the stage…

Arduino: TKLightMeter v 0.1: A Simple Irradiance Meter Using TSL235A

This little gadget is primarily for Joule Thief research, where the relative brightness of an LED must be compared or monitored as conditions change. The TSL235A is a small sensor that converts light intensity…

Aviso Ecar & Extreme Repelling force tested by Phil Gov created committee DOE , DOST & UP

Aviso Ecar using 11 kilowatts forklift dc motor. Test end up the Forklift motor run powered from the conventional power supply : 46% EFF. Aviso Technology using the Ambient collector : 136% efficiency. The…

Sunpower Stirling-Cycle Engine Generators

www.americanantigravity.com – Sunpower unveils the Microgen Combined Heat and Power (microCHP) system, an innovative electrical co-generation unit scheduled to hit the European consumer market through British appliance distributor Microgen, Inc. The Microgen system is…