71 Search results

For the term "data.linkedevents.org incoming search termstrackba".

Electric OU: Data and Results: 4 Q2s, No Oscillations, Snubber Demo, Raw Data Timelapse

Here’s another data set, with the FG set the same as before but the Snubber in use, so that there are no Q2 oscillations during the “off” portion of the period. The Q1 ON…

Electric OU: Rosemary Ainslie Publicly Admits Fabricating Data

On June 29th, 2013, Rosemary Ainslie and Donovan Martin demonstrated, without any doubt, that the Figure 3 scopeshot in their Paper 1 cannot be made honestly, under the stated conditions, when they are being…

Electric OU: Data and Results: Quantum Magazine Circuit Q-17

The Rosemary Ainslie “Quantum Magazine” single-mosfet circuit is tested at 2.4 kHz, 3.7 percent HI and also 95 percent HI duty cycles. The thermal data indicate that it is unlikely that Ainslie used the…

Pulse Motors: SNOT Update 2: Arduino Data Display of Velocity and Energy

Here’s another SNOT update. This time I’ve cobbled together an Arduino data collection system. The Arduino monitors the gate signal from the SNOT controller circuit by the use of the pulseIn() function on pin…