9 Search results

For the term "attila alperen".

TurXotor® Tanitim / Presentation TR/ENG

TurXatorâ„¢ ve TurXotorâ„¢ teknolojisi bilimsel muhendisligi ve her guc kapasitesinde uretimi yapilabilinen Yenilenebilir Bedava Elektrik ve Motor Enerjileri Uretecleridir. Mr. Attila ALPEREN Founder & Chairman The Alperenâ„¢ Group http://www.alperen.com http://www.turx.tv e-mail : aa@alperen.com International…

TurXotorâ„¢ (Motor with Virtual Generator-%400 Efficient)

Enerjinin Korunumu Kanununa gore tanimlanan ve varligi onaylanan; elektrik motor ve ureteclerindeki ZEMK enerjisinin pozitif olarak kullanilabilecek sekilde sistem disina cikarilmis formatlarina; TurXatorâ„¢ ve TurXotorâ„¢ gucu olarak isimlendirdik. Bu gucler ile calisan sistemleride ayni…

3 MW TurXatorâ„¢ Generator

TurXatorâ„¢ is world’s most advanced and highest efficient industrial electric generator as Green Energy technology; invented by Mr. Attila ALPEREN developed by The Alperenâ„¢ Group Companies… 10 KW E-TurXatorâ„¢’s, will be available very soon…

E-TurXatorâ„¢ Energy Saver (%270 Efficient Reactor)

E-TurXatorâ„¢ Reactor is world’s most advanced and highest efficient home Energy Saver as Green Energy technology; invented by Mr. Attila ALPEREN developed by The Alperenâ„¢ Group Companies… 10 KW E-TurXatorâ„¢’s, will be available very…