43 Search results

For the term "amplifier with tip3055".

Electric OU: How DO Mosfets REALLY Work? Bias Current Runs Common Gate Amplifier

Once more for the LULZ. The common gate amplifier is evidently more mysterious than a pot of stone soup, but if one pays attention one may begin to become enlightened. This video is a…

Energy Transformer

Energy Transformer

Patent No.: WO/2008/103130 Applicants: KAPANADZE, Tariel [GE/GE]; (GE). TURK, Metin [TR/TR]; (TR) (All Except US). Inventor: KAPANADZE, Tariel; (GE). Priority Data: 22.02.2007 Abstract: Energy transformer being improved with this invention, transforms the initial electric energy…

Magnetic Resonance Amplifier: Experiment 1, Random Parts

Here I’ve taken the basic “Magnetic Resonance Amplifier” idea and approximated it with materials I had on hand. The device does show some interesting effects. Are these different than one might get with a…

Gravity wheel without motors. Simple gravitational amplifier.

gravitationalengine.com Простой гравитационный усилитель. Показан коэффициент усиления гравитационного усилителя, его прямая зависимость от количества спиц с грузом. Incoming search terms:халявная энергия своими руками, самозапитка качера бровина, гравитационный усилитель Шакаллиса, генератор из электродвигателя своими руками…

Magnetic Resonance Amplifier 4: Ferrite Core Without Magnets

Please watch the first three videos first. Schematics and further explanations are found in them. Here I’ve made another transformer using half of a TV CRT horizontal deflection yoke ferrite. I wound it with…

Magnetic Resonance Amplifier 3: Capacitor Instead Of Piezo Element

Please watch the first two videos first. Here I take the Piezo element out of the circuit and replace it with a capacitor of similar value. The circuit behaves nearly the same as before…