Joule Thief: Making a Quick and Dirty PCB Joule Thief
Here I show how easy and quick it is to make a simple printed circuit board for your Joule Thief. Copper clad board, the resist pen, and Ferric Chloride etching solution are available at…
Experiments, inventions, patents, …
Here I show how easy and quick it is to make a simple printed circuit board for your Joule Thief. Copper clad board, the resist pen, and Ferric Chloride etching solution are available at…
This is the first part of the power measurement scope tests of the Lawrence Tseung Fleet Joule Thief circuit done by Stefan Hartmann, the admin of . Lawrence claimed the circuit to…
This is the second part of the power measurement scope tests of the Lawrence Tseung Fleet Joule Thief circuit done by Stefan Hartmann, the admin of . Lawrence claimed the circuit to…
This is my version of the Basic Wireless JT. I was inspired to build the LED bank by Sohei Thoth, and I’ve been considering powering a JT with my wireless power system. So here’s…
Full spec, details and solution below. A variant of the Cool Joule circuit by TinManPower. See his channel for the original circuit and ongoing experiments. See Lidmotor’s channel for the circuit diagram and his…
Here we are illuminating a 40 watt tube from a single AA battery. This is a modified version of Josepino’s disposable camera circuit. I have used this same circuit to light 2 of these 48″ tubes end to end. I have also illuminated 400 leds with this sam…
Patent No.:Â WO/2008/103129 Applicants: KAPANADZE, Tariel [GE/GE]; (GE). TURK, Metin [TR/TR]; (TR) (All Except US). Inventor: KAPANADZE, Tariel; (GE). Priority Data: 20.02.2007 Abstract: The independent energy device improved with this invention, starts operation with the…
This is the ‘Automatic Solar Joule Thief’—-“Hewey”–boxed. The device is a simple Joule Thief LED/charger circuit with an automatic solar charger attached. It uses super capacitors instead of batteries to store the energy. “Hewey”…
This is my earth battery running a 48″ (40 watt) florescent tube. It is not at full brightness but it is lit and lit pretty well. It is much brighter than it appears on…
This is a Joule Thief Flashlight. I simply modified a cheap 5 super bright LED flashlight that ran on 3 AA batteries by gutting it and using a simple Joule thief circuit which now…