1/4 scale Pitts Autopilot Installed & Getting Closer To Maiden. Part 2

Getting closer to getting the 1/4 Scale Pitts M12S ready for its Maiden flight.

It’s 25lb with the 12000 may batteries. And it’s 21.1 lb with the 5000mah. So depending on what im doing… I can use the 5000mah for 3D. And the 12000mah for testing and basic flights.

God bless.


Pitts M12S from great planes
motor Rimfire 65cc
ESC Castle Creations 110HV
Prop ( home built 3 blade 22 x 8 aprox)
MATEKSYS H743-WING V3 running arduplane
Telemetry, M10 GPS, Pitot Tube, the works.

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