APEC 12/21: Vacuum Propeller, Torsion Physics & CID Demo

Mikolaj Baczynski presents discusses the experimental results for a “vacuum propeller”, Horst Ekhardt discusses antigravity concepts on basis of Einstein-Cartan-Evans (ECE) theory, Steve Colbern provides analysis on the St. Augustine UFO 1947 crash materials, and Harry Sprain does a live demo of the Centrifugal Impulse Drive (CID©). We’ll also be hearing updates from our lab partners and finishing off the event with an open discussion by conference attendees!

0:00 – Introduction

03:15 – Mikolaj Baczynski – The Vacuum Propeller
Mikolaj will be presenting a novel propulsion concept, alone with references to supporting theories and encouraging (yet tentative) test results for what he believes could be the basis for a “vacuum propeller” capable of producing thrust in the vacuum of space. Dr. David Chester reviewed his concept and felt his qualitative argument may have merit, with the caveat that ‘magnetic fields can do no work’. However, Mikolaj cites work by Garret Moddel suggesting it is possible to extract energy from the quantum foam, and suggests that this hypothesis may also explain anomalous negative current results described by Andrew Aurigema during the APEC 8/17 Open Mic session.

40:45 – Horst Eckhardt – Antigravity Concepts on Basis of Einstein-Cartan-Evans (ECE) Theory
Myron Evans’ unified field theory has been developed since 2003 and places all of physics on a geometric basis. It is a generalization of Einstein’s general theory of relativity, which includes not only the curvature but also the torsion of space-time. The field equations are formally similar to Maxwell’s equations, but also apply to all other areas of physics such as mechanics, fluid dynamics and even quantum mechanics. All force fields are derived from potentials. These potentials are introduced axiomatically and can be interpreted directly as the curvature and torsion of space-time, so that these geometric quantities can be interpreted clearly.

In addition to the usual electromagnetic waves, which consist of magnetic and electric fields that are perpendicular to each other, there are also structures where all fields are parallel, called Beltrami fields. These are regular solutions of Maxwell’s equations. There can also be waves in spacetime (vacuum) that do not generate force fields at all. Nikola Tesla used such structures.

In ECE theory, gravity can be explained electromagnetically and consists of a backflow onto matter. Therefore, gravity can also be influenced electromagnetically, as has been proven in some older experiments, but these are hardly known today. In order to shield against gravity, an effective electromagnetic shielding must be developed. Beltrami fields, for example, are good candidates. Some ideas and patents for this will be discussed in the lecture.

1:57:44 – Harry Sprain – CID© Drive Overview
The Centrifugal Impulse Drive (CID) developed by Quantum Dynamics Enterprises under the leadership of Harry Sprain seeks to extend the useful life of satellites, effectively doubling their lifespan by reducing the liftoff payload weight attributed to the propellant required over the satellite’s lifetime, which it does through a unique magnetic / inertial propulsion mechanism.

2:29:51 – Steve Colbern – St. Augustine 1947 UFO Crash Wreckage Analysis
Steve provides extensive SEM, microscopy, and isotopic analysis of material from the purported St. Augustine UFO crash. Six metal samples were provided to Colbern by Mr. Chuck Wade, who stated that he and a digging crew excavated the samples from the desert floor on the plains of San Augustine, New Mexico. This area was reportedly the site of the July 2, 1947 crash of a small, extraterrestrial craft.

3:24:12 – Harry Sprain – CID© Drive Demonstration
Harry Sprain performs a live torsion-balance demonstration of the CID Drive, which creates a unique reactionless propulsive force measurable in millinewtons on the apparatus. This device has been successfully tested in sealed enclosures & water-board devices by physicists at Georgia Tech.

4:00:00 – Lab Partners – Experimental Research Updates
Learn about hands-on engineering & technical research on advanced propulsion experiments by our lab partners. Jarod Yates provides updates on Art’s Parts UFO sample research, materials analysis and research into quasicrystals; Drew Aurigema provides updates on his electrostatic propulsion device research & testing, and Curtis Horn describes the latest research for Dr. James Woodward’s MEGA-Drive team.

4:25:33 – Open Discussion & Ad-Hoc Presentations
Conference guests interested in presenting experimental info to the group are invited to participate at this time, and our presenters will be available to take questions & discuss experiments.

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