APEC Open Mic: 9/14

0:00 – Introduction
02:37 – Attendee Introductions

We’re going through our entire gallery of online attendees, one by one, getting them to share who they are and what they’re focus projects are!

48:30 – Robert Francis Jr – Magnet Drop Experiments
RFJ walks us through a collection of magnet drops using various matching and opposing polarities to see how they influence the fall rate.

56:56 – Phil Bouchard – Liquid Gallium MHD
Phil gives us an update on his rotating MHD liquid metal experiment that he hopes will reduce gravity.

1:12:40 – Mark Sokol – Lab Updates
Mark Sokol provides updates on Falcon Space latest work.

1:39:06 – Al Baur – Ion-Wind Innovations
Al “Plasma” Baur shows more demonstration videos of his unique wire-free (no power leads!) approach to ion-wind devices.

1:51:03 – Open Discussion

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