Desiato & Sokol – DNP Theory & Experiment – WarpDriveTech 2024
Todd Desiato and Mark Sokol discuss
theoretical & experimental aspects of gravity control using Dynamic Nuclear Polarization.
Todd J. Desiato is a highly respected engineer and physicist, renowned for his groundbreaking work in power electronics, lasers, optics, holography, quantum gravity, and general relativity. A UCSD alumnus, Desiato has made significant strides in understanding the universe and its underlying principles.
In recent years, Desiato has made remarkable contributions to the fields of quantum gravity and warp drive propulsion. His 2016 article, “An Engineering Model of Quantum Gravity,” introduces an innovative approach to understanding the complex relationship between quantum mechanics and gravity. This work has been instrumental in bridging the gap between quantum electrodynamics and quantum gravity, as evidenced by his 2020 conference paper, “Engineering a Bridge Between Quantum Electrodynamics and Quantum Gravity – An Engineering Model.”
Desiato’s research on warp drive propulsion has led to a series of publications exploring the potential for faster-than-light travel. His 2016 article, “The Electromagnetic Quantum Vacuum Warp Drive,” published in the Journal of the British Interplanetary Society, presents a theoretical framework for achieving this ambitious goal. Furthermore, his 2021 APEC presentation, “What is required to achieve faster than light travel?,” investigates the conditions necessary for surpassing the speed of light, bringing humanity closer to interstellar exploration.
Mark Sokol is co-founder of the APEC Conference and founder of Falcon Space, an indy propulsion startup focused on utilizing Dynamic Nuclear Polarization to generate propulsive force. Mark has built & tested a wide variety of well-known breakthrough propulsion technologies, but his core focus remains on DNP experiments in the hopes of validating the theory & experimental claims of Dr. Frederic Alzofon.
With years of hands-on technical experience in the hybrid vehicle battery sector, Mark has applied his knowledge and love of engineering to the realm of alternative propulsion and gravity modification in an attempt to fully explore the many reported experimental claims currently in existence.
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Todd Desiato on Researchgate
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Experimental Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Conference