Mark Sokol – DNP & UFO Reverse Engineering 4k – Falcon Space 2024

Falcon Space founder Mark Sokol discusses UFO Reverse-Engineering & Dynamic Nuclear Polarization during our Falcon Space lab tour in June 2024.

Mark describes the scientific principles of Dynamic Nuclear Polarization, why Dr. Frederic Alzofon decided to pursue this approach to propellantless propulsion after analyzing data from the RB-47 UFO incident of 1957. He will also compare his approach to utilizing DNP for propulsion with existing materials analysis applications for this technology in industry, and how he is upgrading his equipment to test new sample materials with greater accuracy.

Mark is co-founder of the APEC Conference and founder of Falcon Space, an indy propulsion startup focused on utilizing Dynamic Nuclear Polarization to generate propulsive force. Mark has built & tested a wide variety of well-known breakthrough propulsion technologies, but his core focus remains on DNP experiments in the hopes of validating the theory & experimental claims of Dr. Frederic Alzofon.

With years of hands-on technical experience in the hybrid vehicle battery sector, Mark has applied his knowledge and love of engineering to the realm of alternative propulsion and gravity modification in an attempt to fully explore the many reported experimental claims currently in existence.


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Experimental Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Conference

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