APEC 6/26: Part#2 – Detlef Hoyer – Space Travel & Induced Matter Theory Q&A

https://www.americanantigravity.com – Physicist & PhD theoretical electrical engineer Detlef Hoyer answers questions related to his presentation on the challenge of space travel from Cartesian first principles, and begins with a thorough analysis of the actual challenges involved with reaching even the nearest star system.

Detlef Hoyer, Matthew Szydagis and Bryan St. Clair are the scheduled presenters at the June 26th conference session. Detlef Hoyer will discuss space travel by reduced effective mass after induced matter theory, Matthew Szydagis will discuss propulsion applications of dark matter & dark energy, and Bryan St. Clair will discuss his work with pulsed inertial engine technology.

Links & Resources:
• Detlef Hoyer: https://arc.aiaa.org/doi/10.2514/6.2020-4171
• Matthew Szydagis: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Matthew-Szydagis
• Bryan St. Clair: http://www.stclairtech.tech/

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