Dr Saab / Saudi Arabia Introduction the ReGenX Generator and ReGen-X Motor

VIDEO DEMONSTRATION RE: Dr. Saab / Saudi Arabia Introduction to the Canadian ReGenX Generator and ReGen-X Motor Innovations

The Potential Difference Inc. US patented ReGenX Generator innovation operates with a Load Current Delay which reverses and eliminates the effects of Generator Armature Reaction.

This eliminates 100% of the mechanical input power required during all electricity generation.

Saudi Arabia’s fossil-fuel energy input requirements in the generation of electricity will eventually be reduced to zero and will remain at that level forever irregardless of how much electricity is generated.

Saudi Arabia’s fossil-fuel financial energy costs will eventually be reduced to zero and will remain at that level forever irregardless of how much electricity is generated.

Saudi Arabia’s fossil-fuel electricity generation produced air pollution will eventually be reduced to zero and will remain at that level forever irregardless of how much electricity is generated.

Saudi Arabia’s fossil-fuel electricity generation produced C02 will eventually be reduced to zero and will remain at that level forever irregardless of how much electricity is generated.

With kind regards

Thane C. Heins
President and CEO, Potential +/- Difference Inc.
Email 1: thaneh@potentialdifference.ca?
Cell: 613.898.1131?

Potential +/- Difference Inc. – Pioneering Electric Vehicle Regenerative Acceleration Technology
& Charging Ahead…

“Nothing is too wonderful to be true”
~ Michael Faraday

“Physics isn’t the most important thing. Love is.”
~ Richard P. Feynman

“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.”
~ Clarke’s Third Law

“There are two ways to look at life. One is as though nothing is a miracle.
The other is as though everything is a miracle.”
~ Albert Einstein

“You never change things by fighting the existing reality.
To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”
~ Buckminster Fuller

“Since man is dealing with energy as defined by the principles of conservation, he can only ever understand it from a perspective of scarcity…
Because there is limitation and dependency within this system, there is also competition.
Thus the strong, the aggressive, and the highly conservative forces dominate.
As long as man’s primary supply of energy is subject to such scarcity, there will never be a system of social democracy that can last long upon the Earth.
It is imperative that man change his viewpoint if he ever hopes of bringing forth a brotherhood of peace and prosperity upon the Earth.
Within this change of viewpoint man will find both the physical and the spiritual answers for which he is currently looking.
Humanity is on the threshold of moving into a new era of scientific understanding with regards to energy and its creation.
Contemplate if you will a civilization in which energy is not a commodity over which to fight or hoard.
Can we see how that would change everything.”
~ Glenda Green
Love without End

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