APEC: 11/21, Part #6 – David Alzofon – How To Build A Flying Saucer
https://www.americanantigravity.com – David Alzofon describes how to build a flying saucer based on the theoretical & engineering work of his father, Frederick Alzofon, combined with analysis of UFO field emissions.
The Alzofon method for gravity control is documented in “Gravity Control with Present Technology”, written by David & Frederick, and utilizes a method of applying microwaves to align particle spins and create propulsion from a gyroscopic precession effect on the atomic level.
The technology developed by Alzofon comes from a self-created Unified Field Theory applied to UFO electromagnetic emissions data captured from an AWACS encounter in the late 20th century.
David is a featured presenter in the November 21st, 2020 session of the Alternative Propulsion Engineering Conference (APEC), an online gravity-modification & antigravity engineering event attended by nearly 200 participants via zoom & YouTube livestream.
This event was organized by Falcon Space, which includes Mark Sokol, Jeremy Rys, Wayne Ojala, Jerimiah Popp, Nam Tran & Todd Desiato. The event was moderated by Tim Ventura from American Antigravity.
Presenters in the Nov. 21st session:
• Mark McCandlish: Alien Reproduction Vehicle (ARV)
• David Alzofon: Alzofon NMR Gravity Control (How To Build A Flying Saucer)
• Mike Gamble & Tom Valone: Gyroscopic Inertial Propulsion
Additional contributors include:
• Paul Murad (Morningstar Applied Physics)
• Bill Alek (Intalek)
• Ron Kita (Chiralex Research)
• Tania Slawecki (Institutes of Energy and the Environment)
Links & Resources:
• Mark McCandlish: http://markmccandlish.com/
• David & Frederick Alzofon: Gravity Control with Present Technology: https://amzn.to/399HnEY
• David Alzofon: How To Build A Flying Saucer & Save The Planet: https://amzn.to/3lZQjR5
• COFE Conference (Valone & Gamble): https://www.integrityresearchinstitute.org/cofe.html
• Falcon Space Program: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqkHVDO55Lj4w-DTO762HhQ
• Alien Scientist: http://alienscientist.com/