Bonnie Dunbar discusses the Museum of Flight – We’re joined by Dr. Bonnie Dunbar, former NASA astronaut and currently the Director of the Museum of Flight in Seattle. She shares experiences in the space program as well as some insights into her vision for the museum’s future, and the role that it plays in preserving our aerospace history & promoting education.
A veteran of five space flights, Dr. Dunbar has logged more than 1,208 hours (50 days) in space. She served as a mission specialist on STS 61-A in 1985, STS-32 in 1990, and STS-71 in 1995, and was the Payload Commander on STS-50 in 1992, and STS-89 in 1998. Dr. Dunbar resigned from NASA in September 2005 to serve as President and CEO of the Seattle Museum of Flight, Seattle, Washington.
Originally recorded: November 18th, 2005