Scoposcopy: Phase 1: MicroQEG Phase Shift, X-Y Mode, Lissajous

Measuring power in reactive circuits can have many pitfalls for the unwary. This is the first part of an explanation for the MicroQEG measurements in the previous video.

Here I describe quickly what we mean by “phase” of two signals, phase shift, what it looks like on the scope, and how to use the X-Y mode of the oscilloscope to determine the phase relationship of two sinusoidal signals.

The next part will apply this information to the measurement problem represented by the MicroQEG and all other reactive power systems. Specifically: what kinds of artefacts are introduced by using a Current Transformer to give information about the current in the circuit? How to compensate for these artefacts when computing actual or Real Power from scope signals of V and I in a reactive system? Stay tuned for the next installment, coming up a bit later on this evening.

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