Pulse Motors: MHOP #11: Some Instrumental Data with Load

Here I show the effect on the input power measurement of adding a small electrical load to the PTO terminal of the MHOP. The motor is also turning a small electric airplane propeller and making a small breeze, so that there is both a mechanical and an electrical load on the system.

The inductive collapse spike is routed thru a rectifier diode 1n4007, through the “run neon” to the circuit ground (mosfet source, battery negative).

I place the ring oscillator’s power input across this neon and divert the power into the oscillator, charging its reservoir capacitor and running its neons. The current monitor shows a very brief surge of current, then when the cap is charged and the oscillator is running strong, the current is actually 1-2 mA less than without the load.

The scope trace is a very sensitive indicator of RPM changes, as I’ve demonstrated in a previous video. The trace shows no change in RPM while powering the oscillator load with the inductive collapse spike energy.

The trace does clearly show the changes in the spike shape caused by charging the capacitor, the oscillator’s neons turning on, the “run” neon turning on when the reservoir cap is charged, and the effect of removing the load.

None of this changes the rotor RPM, it just shows up the altered shape of the inductive spike portion of the waveform.

For schematics and development testing please watch the earlier videos in this series.

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