Richard Vialle first approach 1
Hi all The user PASCUSER at OU proposed to us some time ago the technology of Richard Vialle.. Richard Vialle proposed to make an experiment , as to bend a copper tubing of exactly 1 meter lenght in a U shape, than to separate the U shape in 2 equal parts , than to rebound the 2 parts with an isolation medium so the 2 parts are not electrically connected. than and finally to wrap the built U shape copper tubing with some insulated copper wire. Than you should try to pulse this U shape wiring with 3.6 Mgz and the 2 SEPARATED copper tubing can deliver power in order to power something. So my understanding is that if i can excite the copper tubing at the right frequency , it can deliver some power, FROM ITS OWN MATTER BEHAVIOUR under specific frequency. So i could not prevent me to replicate … very interesting stuff indeed. So i got 1 meter of this plumbing tubing (12 mm outer diam /10 mm inner diam) Than ,as i have no bending clamp i did it on my knees, which explain the special U shape. And voila My first experiment in this technology Good luck at all Laurent