Electric OU: Wireless Power Supernova Current Demonstration
Very interesting behaviour of the wireless power transmission system is demonstrated. This unit is the S/N 001 unit which will be the first one released into the “wild”, if it survives testing and tuning. Here it is shown with a 3-ply transmission loop and a test receiver using a 3 1/2 W bulb. The probe receiver has a 10 W bulb, and is used to stimulate the supernova mode of the system. Illustrated is the normal 1/rsq. falloff with distance expected of a broadcast power system. Then the Supernova mode is initiated and the brightness no longer falls off with distance, within the SNM’s range. Instead of the current going down with distance as in the normal broadcast mode, the SNM current increases, up to the dropout point. This increase in current and lack of brightness falloff means, I think, that it is not a broadcast connection but some kind of more direct linkage or coupling between tx and rx in this mode.