Electric OU: Supplement: Battery Charging with Function Generator
As long as the function generator’s output is sitting above or on top of the battery voltage, the FG can charge the battery, even while the load is powered, and even though the FG’s nominal output is much smaller than the battery’s voltage. Depending on the circuit, the FG’s output could even do this _without_ needing to pull the output up by cranking up the DC offset voltage, I think. And I think that you-know-who’s circuit could be doing something like this. Of course, since we really don’t know what circuit she’s claiming to use now, nor do we have real measurements of that circuit, whatever it is, it’s kind of hard to know. But if I can do these kinds of video demos at the drop of a hat…. why can’t she? I think I know the answer to that one, too. Beware…. I have one IRFPG50 mosfet, and I’m not afraid to use it.