Arduino 1: 4x4x4 LED Cube with Library

NOTE: Software revision available: see below I found an old sack of bulk LEDs that I’ve had for ages, and there were just enough many to make a 64-LED cube with a few spares. I used the directions and original library from this 3x3x3 Instructable here: and extended the hardware and software to the 4x4x4 cube myself, following the basic pattern in gzip’s Instructable. I added some enhancements like the button select, which is still kind of flaky, and the optional sound effects for a couple of the patterns. My version of the software library, containing the arduino sketch and the .cpp and .h files, is here: NOTE: I’ve made a second version fixing some of the things I hadn’t fixed and added a couple new patterns. I’ve removed the first file and here’s the link to Version 2: Feel free to distribute and alter and etc. Some parts still definitely need work. I’ve kept the original author’s and modifier’s credits in a comment at the head of the files, and you should too.

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