Loopstick exciter + single wire exciter
More info below: Yesterday, I constructed an AM radio loopstick based coil, with 9 turns of 18 gauge wire around as Primary (to what i’ve seen of an early Dr. Stiffler circuit coil), It was put on a quiclly ade Slayer exciter type circuit, consisting of a 100K resistor, C2795 NPN transistor and small LED. For such a compact unit, it runs GREAT ! Amp draw at 1.5V is 17.8mA That coil connects to another loopstick and then out to my version of an L3 coil. The 1 wire transmissio section is for a chap on RC Groups, who was asking about such systems. The 2 turns of wire that are on the L3, receive wireless energy from that coil. It is passed down the 10ft or so of single strand thin wire to an AV plug and 100uF capacitor. The connections from the AV plug setup then go into a modified version of Jonnydavro’s SEC exciter. The changes are to make it more compact and by using 2 axial inductors – inductors are rated as 220uH and 100uH. As can be seen, whern there is no draw on that exciter circuit, the LE’s will flash, as the 100uF capacitor fills up and depletes. With a load, the LED’s are more constant. The main circuit features a Ground connection that is from a stake in the ground outside. See earlier videos for more details about that.