11-11-11 (2 of 3) Leonardo-ECat.com launched — productive capacity to reverse economic collapse
Part II of my (Sterling Allan) November 11, 2011 three-part presentation. I talk about the global economic meltdown taking place worldwide, with emphasis on the pending “explosion” of Italy and Greece. But gratefully there is a good “explosion” in Italy — the launch of Andrea Rossi’s E-Cat cold fusion technology that was successfully tested and sold to the first customer on October 28, 2011 in Bologna. The emergence of this technology and other exotic free energy technologies presently coming into the marketplace can provide the “productive capacity” that Gerald Celente talks about that could diminish the downward spiral and even turn the economy around. But in this case, hopefully introducing a more enlightened civilization that repars what has been wrong with our society. See also: Story about this at pesn.com Video Part I: www.youtube.com – Waking Up Going to School 555 Video Part II: www.youtube.com – Leonardo-ECat.com launched — productive capacity to reverse economic collapse Video Part III: www.youtube.com – Quest for Freedom — support Ron Paul; track Alex Jones