Martin Tajmar on Gravitomagnetism Experiments – Dr. Martin Tajmar discusses the experimental gravitomagnetism research and the parameters involved with gravitomagnetic research in superconductors. Tajmar describes the rotating superconductor laboratory apparatus, accelerometer setup, and potential sources of error involved with the remarkable measurements of a force similar to the Lense-Thirring Effect found experimentally that measures 20 orders of magnitude greater than predicted by Einstein’s Theory of Relativity. Dr. Tajmar says, We observed signals on tangential accelerometers mounted inside and above a superconducting Niobium ring when the ring is angularly accelerated. This signal is proportional to the applied acceleration and shows in the opposite direction. The signals got clearer when the accelerometers were operated in a curl-configuration where every sensor has a mirror partner to cut out mechanical offsets such as tilts. This showed that the acceleration we observe is a closed-loop field. From all analysis performed up to now, the most probable explanation of our results is the existence of the gravitomagnetic London moment.”

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