Think different The power of HHO selfrunning free energy system running a 400 Watts load

Oliver and Valention, 2 users from the forum, showing their selfrunning HHO system powering a 400 Watt incandescent lamp for the first time in public as a Christmas present for 2010. This unit only runs on Water being splitted and producing overunity power to run the lamp. This is the first candidate for 2011 for the OverUnity Prize. PS: The small accumulator is only powering the ignition circuit for the ignition spark and only needs a few Watts, so this could also be powered by the output of the generator in later units. These are the comments Oliver did send me with this video: The setup is on a trolley and they drive it around the house. Since they let the camera run continuously, so there will be no cuts in the video, the camera catches all the glitches like the blown out Lamp due to filament failure due to the vibrations of the whole trolly and the missed elevator. At the Beginning of the movie the system is started with the help of another steady Anton HHO system. From 0:45 it will be “cut off” and the whole system runs self-sufficiently. At 1:15 the construction light is still switched on as a load. Then the “journey ” goes on. Then of course Murphey´s law hits twice: 1. At about 2: 50 unfortunately, the lamp goes broke because of vibrations and then the motor runs too fast because of the lack of a load. 2. At 3:25 we missed the elevator .. * grr * Murphy´s law always applies ! 😉 At 4:55 of the elevator finally comes back and we go with the running

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