Hilarious — Irate Phone Message from James Kwok of Hydro+

SUBJECT: Video compiled by Joseph Riso for Pure Energy Systems (PES) Network, Inc., using images from Hidro’s YouTube video that provides an overview of inventor James Kwok’s technology: www.youtube.com Their official website is: HidroOnline.com CONTEXT by Sterling D. Allan Pure Energy Systems News Oct. 21, 2010 On Oct 19, 2010 6:14 AM Mountain time, James Kwok, the inventor of the Hidro Water Pressures Energy Conversion machine, left a voice message for me, complaining about our coverage of their technology. You can see our PESWiki page through the shortcut link Hidro.info What happened is that my first edition of the page was extremely flowery in praise of Hidro, wondering how I could have possibly not known about this technology for two years, when it is just the kind of thing we’ve been looking for for so long. Here’s a link to that version of the page peswiki.com Then I got an emails from an associate in Australia giving me a link to an Australian government report about Kwok having been jailed three years ago for abusing his credentials. www.asic.gov.au With that information, I did a pendulum swing and went from being enthusiastic to being angered that I had apparently been suckered once again by what was probably another con. So the page looked much different when I first featured it in our news, starting out with the sub-title: “Probably a Fraud”. www.peswiki.com That is the version that James Kwok saw, and responded to in his voice message. After I got an email

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