TWM Technology motor-generator demo (3 of 3)
This is the third of a three-part demonstration video set by TWM Technology LLC. The company claims that the motor-generator provides enough power from its secondary coil to both keep the battery source replenished and to provide extra energy for practical use. They claim that in a test last January they ran a moped for an hour, around 350 pounds of weight in all, and that the battery had the same charge after the test as it did before the test. They say they are close to having a patent awarded on the technology. The diagram in the background is probably Figure 1 from that patent. Here is what Todd Thorpe wrote on Oct. 9, 2009 about these three videos: “The demo shows a 100 watt lightbulb being lit off of 1 set of output secondary coil leads. There are 4 more sets at which you could load another4 bulbs with. The rpms should have been displayed. We use a total of 8 batts, 4 for each side. We put 48 volts into pos side and 48 volts into neg side with a central ground grounding out both sides. Hollow-core is the electromagnet itself. No iron, it’s made of wood, achieving 14000 plus rpms that poc (proof of concept) is estimated 30% of its capabilities when we sensorize models we wil eliminate backlash voltage (back emf) adding efficiency. We have been using these batteries for three years to demo this motor. I will send you another video, for those were just tests, demonstrating everything in detail showing it under load, charging another seperate battery pack with output …